The Taxes Last Us All The Year

“Indoors or out, no one relaxes in March, that month of wind and taxes, the wind will presently disappear, the taxes last us all the year.”
Ogden Nash

My plan was to be done with the taxes (business and personal) by the end of last week so I would have a whole month to “play” before I’m back to school on the 27th of March. Didn’t happen. It should happen by the end of this week. Hopefully.
It’s hard to do numbers hours a day and then switch into the creative brain. I’m not feeling inspired and although I’m faithfully sticking to my 10 minutes of poetry organization the rest of my creative writing has suffered including my blog. And then there’s the reality that it’s March. Here in southern Colorado we’ve had an unseasonably warm winter with record 70 + degree days this week. The golden crocuses are already breaking through the dry crumbly soil and I expect to see red tulips in the side garden before too long.

I missed the deadlines for a couple of poetry contests I wanted to enter…the 28th sneaked up on me. This month I am printing a deadline calendar to keep me on track. How do you get inspired for creative writing when your life is unbalanced with work?

Today, write a list of reasons why you want to write even if your writing or creative life has been derailed. This doesn’t have to be shared with anyone but post it in your writing space. Then spend 10 minutes writing about your writing accomplishments so far this year. It could be as simple as I set up a space to write that feels comfortable and uncluttered. Or I received 10 rejection letters which means I’m sending work out. Now get back to work!

A space to post responses to rejection letters? Check out Rejection Collection.

The Writing Nag

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