The simpler you say it, the more eloquent it is.–August Wilson
Sometimes as a beginning writer we try so hard to follow the rules that we end up overwriting. The page is filled with wonderful details, metaphors, similes that we miss the point. Sometimes simpler is better. Vary your sentence length within a paragraph.Use words that are familiar to you and your voice.Even using the thesaurus can be overdone.More often in my poetry critiques a reader will say why didn’t you just use a clearer word. Although expanding your vocabulary is good if the reader is constantly reaching for the dictionary have you missed the point?
Today,in your daily writing try to say it simpler. Use the details but write for clarity.Don’t confuse your reader. Now get back to work!
The Writing Nag
Excellent advice. Overwriting is one the main problems I find when editing aspiring authors’ manuscripts.