Happy, Absorbed and quietly stringing beads

I learned that you should feel when writing, not like Lord Byron on a mountain top, but like a child stringing beads in kindergarten – happy, absorbed and quietly putting one bead on after another.
Brenda Ueland

Absorbed in your writing? that’s good. I worry when it becomes too much like a chore or a job. Although sometimes it is. Successful writers are also successful marketers and that can be a little intimidating for me. But luckily for us there are some great fellow writers on the Internet that make it easy. One that comes to mind is C. Hope Clark, aka The Shy Writer. I subscribe to her newsletter, funds for writers, and if you’re a writer and you don’t you’re missing some valuable information. She also has some fantastic ebooks for the beginning writer. What’s somewhat unique about fellow writers is that they are really helpful to beginners, they take you by the hand and say don’t make the same mistakes I did. Thanks C. Hope Clark I’ve been a faithful reader for years.

Today, write about a subject that makes you happy and absorbed. Don’t set the timer, write as long as you can. Now get back to work!


The Writing Nag

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