List, list, everywhere a list

“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
Albert Einstein

Sung to the tune Sign “sign, sign, everywhere a sign” See video for a seventies flashback.

I am a list maker, so when I saw Karen Rizzo’s book Things to Bring, S#!T to Do… and other inventories of anxiety

I immediately picked it up. The cool part about it is she was able to bring an integral part of her life to print. How many of you make lists? It is amazing that with lists and line drawings it is such an interesting read. Watch the video as she reads some of her book.

Today, make a fictional list that could tell a story. And then make a list of stuff to do to get ready for October’s Submissionathon. Now get back to work!


The Writing Nag

A handy dandy link for voting for PYTHONG.

Remember voting ends this Sunday and you can only vote once!

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