The Poetry of Poe

I would define, in brief, the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of Beauty.
Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe died today in 1849. His last words are purported to be “Lord help my poor soul”. His death was as mysterious as the short stories and poems he wrote. Poe is considered to be the father of the modern mystery story and a master with his short stories and one of the leaders in the America Romantic movement but his first love was always poetry. He was also an editor and a literary critic.

In honor of Poe, read The Raven online and explore The Poe Museum site.
Or watch John Astin read the poem.

Today, if you’ve never written in the horror genre brainstorm…what would be the scariest thing to write about. Write a page a la Poe. Now get back to work!


The Writing Nag


I have a new poem online, Believe Me, it posted on Friday at Faulty Mind Bomb.

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