catching the last bus of the night…

Chase down your passion like it’s the last bus of the night. ~Glade Byron Addams

Over lunch the other day a friend and I discussed our waxing and waning passion for our writing work. I lamented that I sometimes wished I didn’t have to write. Imagine just working a 40-hour work week, watching a movie, playing games, and reading. Sometimes that sounds nice to me, instead I work a full-time plus job, write every morning, most evenings and every day off. I volunteer 30 plus hours a month for my local writing organization and spend at least that many hours editing and submitting. My friend does that and more, because she’s the mom of three boys. Yes, the passion for writing can be tiring. But like any relationship you have to work on it.

Now I do feel the urgency of catching the last bus of the night. My age perhaps? When I think I should take a break I do but the breaks are shorter and I fight my procrastination a little harder. Now when I think that would make a good poem I write it and then submit it. An article idea, it becomes a query instead of sitting in my notebook. A small goal of a page a day…couldn’t I really write two? How can you push yourself a little more? Do you feel the urgency or is the bus still waiting for you?
Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

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3 Replies to “catching the last bus of the night…”

  1. Wonderful motivation. I’m going to bookmark this post. I know the fact I am nearly 44 and have wanted to write all my life is a huge motivator for me. I think my last bus is just over the horizon…

  2. This is the most interesting blog I have read! It does take much effort in writing and making an artistic piece. Remember TIME is relevant, it’s how you make it. We all work hard or less, but the strenuous hours always seem to take more time. Whereas enjoyment has no time at all, because you enjoy it! If you want to write, then write it. We don’t want our enjoyment to end, but as long as we live it could never end! The trip never ends unless you want it to.

  3. That bus waited for me for quite a few years while I got my family-raising on the right course. Now, I’m chasing that bus like crazy to catch up! I think I’m going to post a bus picture over my computer to remind me to get on board! Thanks for the inspiration!

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