Talking without being interrupted

Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted. ~Jules Renard, Journal, 10 April 1895

I managed to leave the antiques fair yesterday only spending $5.00, and $2.00 of that was admission. As my friend Rhonda pointed out buying postcards and paper doesn’t take up a lot of room or if you’re lucky that much money. Rhonda, a writer and an amazing photographer, also makes cards with vintage images and incredibly beautiful quilted art pieces. She also introduced me to a craft magazine that has been on the market for about a year, Cloth Paper Scissors, January/February 2008 Issue. This one and Somerset Studio, January/February 2008 Issue highlight altered art, craft and assemblage artists, and many writers/poets who have found a new way to combine their love of words with art. I’m sure I will find a way to use my poetry with my growing collection of ephemera in the near future. My poem Relics was written because I found my Nana’s religious relics in a box of papers she had given me.

Today, what “relics” can you find that could spark a poem or a story. Pull out the junk drawer, clean out your purse or briefcase or go through a box of old photos. Pretend that you are discovering these items and they’re not yours. What could you write about this person, use one item or a collection of items. Talk without being interrupted. Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

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3 Replies to “Talking without being interrupted”

  1. Thanks m s. as to your new blog write about what interests you, focus on a few topics and try to write every day, you will soon find your blog voice. Good luck!

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