First Book very afraid!

Unprovided with original learning, unformed in the habits of thinking, unskilled in the arts of composition, I resolved to write a book.
Edward Gibbon (1737 – 1794)

Last year around this time, I started my very first manuscript. In April, I broke the cardinal rule of fiction pitching and pitched my very first unfinished manuscript to an editor. I figured at best she would say send me the first three chapters but what I really thought is she would say we’re not interested. I broke the next rule, never finished the manuscript and never sent her anything. It lies in pieces chapters here and there, misc. pages found throughout my tax paperwork.Not something I’m proud of. I think I lost the momentum of the book as I started exploring other arenas of the written word. I fell in love with poetry and prose last year and it’s hard to look back. I’m going to bring my scattered manuscripts pieces with me to Goddard and see if it’s something I want to resuscitate or if it’s time to say goodbye to my first good attempt. If I bury it it will be lie next to my first unfinished screenplay, another project that lost its momentum about six months into it. Rest in peace, my friends.
How did you make the decision to write your first book? If you finished it where does it sit today? Under your bed in the first book graveyard or did you make a good effort to send it out. Are you ready to move beyond your first book? Please comment, I’d love to hear from published authors and soon-to-be published authors. Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

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3 Replies to “First Book very afraid!”

  1. I don’t think you should allow yourself to give up on this one. So, you’ve figured by now that your manuscript will never see publication (how can it if you never finish it?). What would be the harm in finishing it in rough draft format and then hiding it away to work on other projects? And what would happen if you pulled the finished rough script out and read it after six months, a year? Undoubtedly you would have learned a great deal with your writing in that time, it might give you a fresh approach to polish it up. Or you would see some of your early mistakes and resolve to do better on the next manuscript.

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