Arrived in Vermont

“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.”
Arnold Bennett

After a red-eye from Denver to JFK and a 3-hour layover, a quick flight brought me to Burlington where I took a one-hour cab ride to Plainfield. There is snow on the ground, a little more than I left in Colorado Springs but it feels like the winter thaw is starting. Signs all around campus warn of melting/falling ice. As a new student I am here one day early and it is peaceful and quiet but the schedule is full for the next 7 days and it looks very daunting. I am more than a little nervous about what I have taken on but with any change comes uncomfortable feelings. The only thing that felt comfortable today was posting on my blog, so familiar…
Today, write about change. It can be anything, the change in your back pocket, the change left on your dresser drawer or a real physical change of your body, your life, your ideas. Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

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One Reply to “Arrived in Vermont”

  1. Just remember – as a woman of a certain age (aka untraditional student) you are uniquely able to juggle many tasks and to keep going, even triumph, despite your apprehension.
    As I may have told you, I went back to college at 28 to get a second degree and then at 48 to get a certificate. Both times, I realized that after being in the “real world” I had 10 times the work ethic as the younger students (such as the guy playing computer solitaire during a lecture).
    The great thing about school is that you get almost instant, constant feedback on how you’re doing. And you’ll do GREAT.

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