LiteraryMary, journal of the beautiful, unusual and eclectic, will be publishing our first ever print issue in January of 2009, in celebration of the second anniversary of our steadily growing website of the same name. We are now accepting submissions of poetry, fiction, and black and white photography. We are also open to experimental pieces that don’t necessarily fall into any of those categories. Rather than ask you to familiarize yourself with our style – an impossible task, given that this will be our inaugural issue – you should keep in mind that although we have plenty of class, we have no style. We intend to publish a myriad of styles, our main concern being that what you submit is written well. We do not believe that good writing needs to be style specific, but it does need to be sincere, honest and absolutely free of grammatical errors, spelling errors and the kind of mistakes professionals just don’t make. Please no previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but let us know if your work gets accepted somewhere else as soon as possible. Finally, we ask that if your writing has been workshopped over the internet you take it offline when you submit to us. Submit to us. I like the sound of that.
If you are interested, please send up to six of your best pieces of poetry regardless of length and/or up to three pieces of fiction, for a total of no more than 4000 words, as an attachment (using either .doc, .rtf, or .wpd file extensions) to Experimental pieces and black and white photography should also be sent to this address. Please include your name and the best description you can come up with for what you’re submitting in the subject line, such as ‘poetry’ or ‘fiction’ etc. Don’t forget to include the email address at which you’d prefer to be contacted and a short bio. Submissions will be chosen in a mostly anonymous process and we will notify you whether or not you’ve been accepted in as timely a manner as possible. The deadline for submissions will be July 31, 2008. Payment will be one contributor’s copy since our staff works on a volunteer basis and that’s all we can afford right now. Extra copies will be available for purchase on the LiteraryMary website, and hopefully at a bookstore near you. Regardless, we will eventually take over the world.