Should You Ever Write for Free?

As a beginning writer and poet I’ve been published many times for no payment. I figure it’s a way to get my name out there, my work out there and to practice freelance writing techniques like deadlines and word count.

My newest “fun” not for big payment writing has been with ehow. I use it to write recipes that people often ask me for, articles that I never thought were ready for print publication and to just flex my writing muscle when I hit a block. It has also been a good place to meet other writers who are doing the same thing.
I’m sure unless you were willing to write hundreds or thousands of articles, the amount of money you could make is minimal but it’s currently earning more money than my savings account.; ) Plus unlike Helium, you don’t have to rate other people’s writing which I found was a time waster.
Some hints if you want to give it a try. Write simple easy articles that appeal to a wide audience. My most popular how to’s; hardboil an egg, homemade raisin bread, and honey-nut butter. If there is a subject you’re an expert in give it a try!
Now get back to work!
The Writing Nag

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