Ralph Ellison
My husband referred me to a NY Times article on Sunday that said that blogs have a higher failure rate than restaurants. Writer Douglas Quenqua used a Technorati survey from 2008 that “translated to 95% of blogs being essentially abandoned.” With the release of a movie this summer based on a popular blog, Julie & Julia, many people think that blogging is a quick way to make big money or get instant fame. Neither one of those things is true for most people, so they start a blog, lose interest pretty quickly and move on. My blogiversary is coming up in June so I’ve been posting for about 2 years pretty consistently. What started as a way for me to warm up for my goal to write every day and do creative writing exercises has become an online journal of my creative writing life. Going back to school last March meant a lot less time for blogging but I still find topics to write about, just maybe not as often. What I have even less time for is reading all my favorite blogs, I’m hoping they’re still there when I get some more free time.
Now for a totally unrelated writing prompt.Today, freewrite on the word bridge for fifteen minutes. Here’s some words to get you started. traverse, toll, trestle, span, overpass, aquaduct, connect, contract, way, viaduct, band, tie, truss, drawbridge, denture.
Then consider sending your work to Chicken Pinata (I just love this name for an online literary journal) their next theme for the July issue is bridges or an interpretation of bridges in poetry form. Deadline is the end of June. Now get back to work!
The Writing Nag
I found Chicken Pinata and many other literary journals on this wonderful website for writers appropriately named Every Writers Resource.
A new book from someone who has achieved “financial independence” very motivating!
Book on Financial Independence
Interesting read. Oooh I love the way Chicken pinata rolls off the tongue ๐