It is the pen which dreams..

A word is a bud attempting to become a twig. How can one not dream while writing? It is the pen which dreams. The blank page gives the right to dream.
Gaston Bachelard

I picked up the current issue of Poets & Writers yesterday, drawn in by the cover article “22 Lit Mags That Do More For Your Work.” There’s a really interesting section on lit magazines that are specialized i.e. “a letterpress magazine printed with soy ink on recycled paper using wind power”, lit magazines for women, established writers, new writers, lit magazines that fuel social change or environmental issues. With the large amount of lit magazines out there I think Poets & Writers did a fantastic job in highlighting these 22 markets. And well worth the $5.95- the price of the magazine.

Here’s just a few of the 22 that were new to me journals.

Poems Against War

Wicked Alice

Raving Dove

There special section on lit mags was so well done I might just renew my subscription.

Misc. links that I noted this week from the web.

Scholarship Contest for mom’s Can you creatively come up with a name for this firefly?
Winner wins a $10,000 scholarship for their child.

If you’re a mommy blogger and have thought about joining Social Spark this post by Lisa really explains how it works. Join the SparkE Crew!

She-Tech offers laptop computer bags and other business accessories geared towards women.

Billionth Download at App Store wins $10,000 download from Apple.

Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

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