Breathings of your heart

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.
William Wordsworth

The more you are able to shift into new modes, styles, ways of thinking…in life & in writing…the more joy, beauty & pleasure you’ll be able to experience & create. Caroline Joy Adams

Now that school is over for the semester I’ve been able to read more for pleasure and although I’m made a small attempt to gather my work together before the next school year starts, I’ve really been enjoying the time to read. For those of you who have writing ready to submit, Duotrope, the free online submission directory just celebrated their 4th anniversary with an updated website. While it is free they depend on donations so if you have found some great places you wouldn’t have found on your own, consider donating to keep them online.

A notable book this week.

William Zinsser who is probably best known for his classic non-fiction craft writing book On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction has a new book out, a biography called Writing Places The Life Journey of a Writer and a Teacher.

Now get back to work!
The Writing Nag

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