Do something every day that you don’t want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.
Mark Twain
Mark Twain
What will you do today that you don’t want to do? I just procrastinated doing by editing work for two hours and now it’s time for my other job. I keep thinking I will outgrow this habit, but apparently not. Mark Twain seems to have the best quotes on writing.
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I called my oldest friend (over fifty years) who I'd had a falling out with over three years ago. Yesterday I sent this friend an email to say we'd be wise to reconnect before we're no longer able to do so for some reason. And we spoke on the phone today at great length. This was wonderful for both of us. It was hard to do but I'm very glad I did it. –Nancy
Wow, Nancy that's great! That's a huge step and very inspiring.
Thanks, this is a wonderful guide for me to use for my daily activities with my business. Do the things I hate doing first!
but… but… if I procrastinate it will go away, right? Won't someone else do it for me? Oh wait, procrastination will never get my novel fnished… darn.