Blog Action Day

“It is a simple fact of life on earth that there is going to be no successful mitigation of the climate change problem without a truly global effort. All developing companies or all major developing countries have to be part of that and accept substantial constraints on greenhouse gas emissions.” Ross Garnaut

Today, October 15th is Blog Action Day, a day set aside for bloggers around the globe to discuss one issue and unite on a topic that effects all of us, this time it’s climate change. Whether climate change is your cause or not, take a look at the top 100 effects of climate change. You may be surprised what’s on the list…I was.

If climate change is your cause and you’re ready to change the world or your part of it, look for ideas here, scroll down to the bottom of the page to take action today.

Read the Scientific American article on the top 10 solutions for climate change. Some of them are easier than you might think.

Do your own independent research on climate change and perhaps you may decide that climate change is your cause.

Today, if you’re a blogger consider writing even one sentence on your blog about climate change what you are doing and what you can do to effect change. Add your voice to all of the voices that are uniting today to talk about climate change.

Lovingly… walking to work,
The Writing Nag

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