Getting the hang of Thursdays…

“This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.” Douglas Adams

I missed posting yesterday mostly because I was so tired when I came home from work that it was a big effort to go grocery shopping and make dinner. I sat at the computer screen for awhile but I didn’t feel particularly inspired. Today is also a long day at work so I’m hitting the keys early because I know that if I don’t write by 3:00 p.m. I will most likely not feel like writing. While there is a certain amount of discipline needed to have a regular writing schedule it’s also important to know when you are naturally most productive. For me it’s 7:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. ish. Figuring this out can be difficult if you are scheduled at your day job at your most productive writing time so sacrificing some early mornings or late nights might be necessary to get the work done. Of course, deadlines have a way of producing some amazing results so set some deadlines, look for some contests that end this week, or find yourself a writing partner that will hold you accountable. And if you need a break from your disciplined writing schedule this week…take one.

In Room to Write, Bonni Goldberg has a writing prompt entitled Bathrooms You’ve Known. I want to change that a little bit and title today’s prompt, Bedrooms You’ve Known, mostly because going back to bed this morning sounds lovely. Write about bedrooms you’ve encountered in your travels, hotel rooms, hostels, friend’s houses, or write about your bedroom…is it a relaxing, energizing space? What would you do if you could change your bedroom. What does your ideal bedroom look like? Where is it located? What is the view from the window? Now get back to bed! work!

The Writing Nag

Thanks to Wendy for the link to this poetry contest. Free to enter. $1000 cash first place prize.
Most viewed article on eHow this month.

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