What You Might Have Been…

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

George Elliot

I haven’t posted in awhile…I’m trying to get all the business work done that I put off to fit school in. The following post was from two years ago; it’s interesting that these thoughts often stop us from being who we want to become. I received some good news last week one of the four poems I submitted for a local poet laureate program was chosen to be published in a chapbook. This means that I’ll have readings to attend and possibly I’ll be reading my poem on the local public radio station. I’ll be back to posting regularly in the near future!

You’ve heard them, the people who say “I could have been a ________ but I fill in excuses here”. Or maybe it’s you. I have a bad habit of reading other people’s bio’s and thinking wow, I could have done that, I should have done that. For example, a fellow women chef very close to my age went to the same culinary school I went to but then went to work in some very prestigious east coast restaurants with some very well known celebrity chefs, she then went on to fame and fortune with cookbooks, her own restaurant, endorsements…you get the picture. I am not a celebrity chef, but I might have been. Do I still want that? No. I don’t think going down the path of what you might have been is a positive step. I’m choosing to work towards new places of what I might be.

I am working on my poetry packet for the writers workshop I’ll be attending at the end of February and HUGE amounts of self-doubt are creeping in. My inner negative mantra starts “These people are professional poets with books and writing careers.” “who do you think you are showing them your work” But if I’m working on what I might be, I have to let it go. I have to find positive statements to replace the negative. Today, think about what steps you could take to be the person you might have been. Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

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6 Replies to “What You Might Have Been…”

  1. I worry about not being a professional when it comes to submitting (or even blogging about my paintings). But I’ve made a goal of submitting to an arts show in April.

    Best of luck!

  2. Hi,

    I am going to start my blog! It’s been rolling around in my head for months, but I guess I’ve just had that “fear of success” along with the vision of my blog.

    btw, I just finished reading a book written by 3 women called “The Power of Yin: Celebrating Female Consciousness,” a fascinating read about how these great female minds discuss great ideas about the world and its future. I think this book and your post have kicked me into high gear.



  3. Linda,
    Thanks for the great book recommendation. Please let me know when you’re blog is up and rolling so I can come visit. Good luck!

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