Feed Your Brain

The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.
 Maya Angelou

One of the most difficult challenges I had at school was getting my science requirement. I started three different papers but didn’t get passionate about any subject until my advisor suggested I do an experiment on creativity and taking care of my body/brain/self. Although this is just a very condensed version of my final paper I thought it was good information to share. I’m guessing like most writers I often subside on coffee and skip meals. No wonder I didn’t feel much like finishing a project or getting work done.
Especially now, during the busy holiday time we often forget to “feed our brains” and this can be why we feel so stressed and out of control. My “feed my brain” experiment for my paper was a 7 day trial but it really changed how I think about the creative brain. To “write so that people hear it” requires that the writer is first taking care of themselves.
Today, think of how you can take care of yourself this week. I know it’s busy but you’d be surprised if you scheduled this time you could make it happen. Now get back to work!
The Writing Nag
December Recipes
Homemade Noodles for Chicken Noodle Soup
Hot spiced apple cider
Marinated artichoke salad
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