Flowers Speak from out of Nature’s Depth

“Like a smile–so quick and ephemeral one could doubt one saw it except that suddenly everything changed–flowers speak from out of nature’s depth.” 
Carol Williams Bringing a Garden to Life

I found this package of seeds yesterday and I had to buy them. Not only will they bring a splash of pink to my garden but for every packet of seed bought $1.00 will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. I missed planting my sweet peas on St. Patrick’s Day so I’m going to try and find seeds this weekend and start my garden. It’s hard to imagine a spring or summer without flowers…although we have few forsythia bushes in Colorado just seeing a few blooming this morning brightened my day. In the garden the lilac bushes and the mock orange tree have just started to bud. The daffodils are blooming and the tulips should be adding their color any day now. Having flowers in the garden awakens my creativity, stimulates my senses and reminds me of the possibilities of nature…

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