The Sound of 36 Pines

“The sound of 36 pines side by side surrounding/the yard and swaying all night like individual hymns is the sound/of water, which is the oldest sounds/the first sound we forgot.”

Li-Young Lee, Water

If it’s possible to wear out a book of poetry, I have worn out this book. Rose by Li-Young Lee. The beauty and simplicity of language in this poetry collection is something I strive for. How hard it is to write so simply and yet evoke so much emotion.
Read “Early in the Morning” by Li-Young Lee. Another one of my favorites from this collection.
Today, think about sounds you may have forgotten…sounds from your childhood or your first memory. Sounds that trigger a place or a feeling. Set the timer for 10 minutes and freewrite on sounds. Then pick one of your favorite sounds and write a paragraph to a page on why this sound is one you may have forgotten.  Now get back to work!
The Writing Nag
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