Daily Writing

Nothing is so often irretrievably missed as a daily opportunity. 
Marie von Ebner- Eschenbach

Although my words might not make it to my blog I’m a daily writer…whether it’s a couple of lines scribbled on an envelope or a rewrite of an article…I put thoughts to paper or keyboard every day. I’ve been doing this for about four years and I have to say it has made me a better writer.

Today, I’m working on my writing/publishing goals for 2012. In the middle of the holiday season there hardly seems like there’s any room for writing. But if you use it as a centering place you might find you need your daily writing time as much as many people need a cup of coffee right when they wake up. This summer I wrote… “small stones.” Especially at this time of year take the time to write a small stone for the rest of the month. Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

10 Gifts for a Poet

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