Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.
Author Unknown
I don’t know where I first read about this but getting rid of 27 things a day for a period of time (9 days) has been on my mind lately. Here’s a good article that talks about it.
After 13 years in our little house we are finally talking about getting new carpet.
Because of that…my job the last few weeks has been boxing up the office which will soon become our bedroom. After the boxing up, the room will be painted, new carpet will be put down and hopefully we’ll get the French doors that I’m coveting but can’t pay for right now. Yesterday was the first day of getting rid of 27 things…the hardest part was giving up some books. I could easily become a book hoarder.
Today is day 2. Because I’m a lover of vintage and collectible, I’ve had to be pretty strict on what I can collect. Vintage postcards are good. They take up very little space and they’re relatively easy to sell if I needed to sell my collection. But collecting writing, vintage cookbooks and poetry books are my nemesis. They fill almost every bookshelf in my office and I’m pretty sure there are at least 4 full boxes in the garage from our last move. Yesterday I gave away five of them, it was pretty difficult. But I know it is better to be writing than reading about writing so there they went with the hope that some beginning writer will enjoy them. I’m thinking that by day 9, I’ll feel so good about getting rid of clutter that I won’t concentrate too much on the attachment to the books. And maybe it will clear my head so more writing will follow…
The Writing Nag
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