My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living.
Anais Nin
This morning I am waiting for my furniture to be delivered. One of the pieces is a writing desk, I wanted a desk with a big enough surface that I could spread out my papers and my thoughts. Now that everything is removed from the office I’m only returning items that are absolutely necessary. That means many boxes to go through and I’m sure many more items that will be donated. I’ve found that in the last few weeks of not having a desk I’ve been writing more…right now my keyboard is perched on two file cabinets. There is a freedom to not having any clutter in my workspace and I’m rethinking what I want on the walls for inspiration. I recently bought a vintage 1930’s wooden frame at an auction, I’m going to have one of my favorite pieces of ephemera framed so I can look at it every day. I will sort out the writing craft books that are truly inspirational and donate the ones that are good but just taking up space.
If you could only keep 10 creative writing craft books which would they be?