Hemingway’s Home

Maybe I’m not the normal traveler but I really love tours. I love to be driven around and have local people tell me why their city is so wonderful and I want to learn all the trivia about the city. I want to know if the hotel is haunted or if the church on the corner of Main was built by early Spanish settlers. I want to eat where the locals eat. Some people like to wander around aimlessly and discover something wonderful, that’s good too but with my bad sense of direction I need a tour guide.
Trusted Tours and Attractions offers discounted sightseeing tours in Key West,San Diego and Savannah.
I’m planning a trip to Key West this winter, when Colorado is buried in snow and I can’t get warm I want to eat Key Lime pie, visit Papa Hemingway’s home, shop the antique shops and art galleries and bask in the sun. Maybe the tour will inspire me to write about the city where Hemingway lived for 10 years. I think planning a trip is just what I need to get through another snow day.
If you sign up for the newsletter you are automatically entered to win 4 free tickets to tours in a city of your choice. Offer ends Friday, December 14th, 2007. Good luck!

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