Right now I share my office with the guest bedroom, but I have great plans of what my office would look like if I had a big advance check. First all my books which now occupy a cardboard box would find a home on built-in bookcases, I would have a comfy reading area with good lighting and a place for my magazines and of course in front of my state of the art media area would be a Massage Chair At one of my last jobs my boss had one of these in his office and I would seize every opportunity to settle in for an afternoon massage. When massage chairs first hit the market they were anything but realistic but now with advanced robotics you can close your eyes and imagine your personal massage professional just stopped by for your weekly appointment. This one has the ability to program a customized massage, think rolling, kneading, compression from neck to foot with intuitive controls. So whatever massage style you like the chair can do it. I think I would use my massage chair as a reward system. If you just finish ten pages you can have a full-body massage. That might just be the motivation I need to finish my manuscript.
The Perfect Office Chair
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