Imagine pizza waffles…

There are no days in life so memorable as those which vibrated to some stroke of the imagination. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’ve always been a fan of Artella, so last month I ordered a hard copy of their creative word and art magazine. Each issue contains a CD and a pack of ephemera so you can create an art piece of your own. I was delighted to find a 1970’s recipe card for pizza waffles. As a chef and a pizza fiend I was very amused and nostalgic that this was cuisine in the ’70’s. But I do seem to recall eating toast-R pizza around the same time so I guess the next natural step would be pizza waffles? A google search revealed there are still recipes out there for this delicacy who knew? That’s where the inspiration came in…one of my favorite books growing up was Me and Fat Glenda because the characters ate a different burger daily using the alphabet as inspiration. Avocado Burgers, Beet Burgers, Cheese Burgers, etc. Even as a ten-year-old I knew that the mix of words and food was pure magic.

Today,think of how you could use food as inspiration in a short story or poem. But don’t think ordinary food. Feel free to use pizza waffles or Fluffy Mackerel Pudding.

Lovingly mixing the batter for a batch of pizza waffles,
The Writing Nag

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