An Experienced Poet

And as to experience–well, think how little some good poets have had, or how much some bad ones have.
– Elizabeth Bishop

I’m back at home in front of my computer, it’s strange how blogging at a strange computer doesn’t feel quite right. Because I journaled each day of the conference I have to go back and fill in Saturday and Sunday. Just trying to keep up my Blog 365 obligation.

The conference ended on a high note with former Poet Laureate, Robert Pinsky reading some of his new work and answering questions. My favorite poem he read was The Green Piano.

Today, after your daily writing listen to Robert Pinsky read The Green Piano. Could you write with such passion about an inanimate object in your life that meant as much to you as The Green Piano meant to Robert Pinsky. After he read he said I loved that piano. And I believed he did. Now get back to work!
The Writing Nag

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