I was so disappointed when the orchestra cut her off…glad to see and hear her words at the end. My favorite speech of the night.
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inspiration, creative writing prompts, motivational quotes, poetry and gentle nagging on the creative writing life…
I was so disappointed when the orchestra cut her off…glad to see and hear her words at the end. My favorite speech of the night.
I totally agree. I think it was very cool that John Stewart brought her back out on stage. The movie Once is probably one of my top three favorites of 2007 and the soundtrack is played often at my house. I was so HAPPY to see them win! (I liked the Enchanted songs, but taken out of the context of the movie they seemed a bit silly.) Great quote about letting dreamers dare to dream!
I’m so glad Jon Stewart brought her back on! And I’m just thrilled that they won!
Great movie and soundtrack, and a very inspiring quote.