Anti-Procrastination Day

You know you are getting old when it takes too much effort to procrastinate.
~Author Unknown

I thought about putting off this post until tomorrow but Saturday is my Anti-Procrastination Day. If you’re familiar with the Fly-Lady website she has declared Wednesdays as anti-procrastination day but for me Saturdays work better. I don’t have to go to work until later in the morning, I can clean and organize my desk, read some of my favorite blogs, work on my to-do list for the next week and evaluate how I used my free time. I also try to do at least one thing I’ve been putting off all week.This week was pretty productive as I have so little time left before school and deadlines motivate me.

Today, what can you do today that will make next week easier? Can you set self-imposed deadlines to motivate you to complete some of those lagging projects? How would you feel if you could cross those off your to-do list? Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

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