Wild, Creative Delight

The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Two new and fantastic books I’m reading for fun this week. The first one is a graphic travel novel by Lucy Knisley, French Milk
that “documents a six-week trip Knisley and her mother took to Paris when each was facing a milestone birthday.” back cover I’m so envious of people that can draw! It was also cool to see places in Paris that I’ve been to through another writer’s eyes. She also includes lots of food in her travel journal, not surprising since Paris=food. The book made me hungry.

The second book Handmade Nation: The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft, and Design highlights the craft movement and many of the artists that I love online. There are too many great artists to list here but some of my favorite sites were highlighted.

If N’ Books & Marks

My Paper Crane
Jenine Bressner Fireworks!
The Small Object

There are so many more inspiring creative artists so the book is definitely worth the read. Then it reminded me I never posted about another craft artist/Goddard student I met in Vermont. If you find yourself in Burlington, Vermont stop by! Or you can buy their goods on etsy.com

The Bobbin

Today, visit the websites of these wildly creative people and perhaps get inspired to make your own art. Now get back to work!

The Writing Nag

A Unique Gift For the One You Love
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