Welcome 2011!

“The merry year is born
Like the bright berry from the naked thorn.”
Hartley Coleridge
Happy New Year! Welcome 2011!

Although I love New Year’s Day I’m not a fan of New Year’s Eve so promptly after I watched the ball drop in New York City I fell asleep; two hours before Colorado said Happy New Year! The blank slate of a new year is always full of such hope and possibilities! And as an eternal optimist I’m always convinced that the new year will be better than the last. As Hartley Coleridge (poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s eldest son) wrote a new year is a bright berry. Lovely visual.

My new desk calendar has large spaces for writing in deadlines and I signed up for an account at Writers Market (with the free code in Poet’s Market) to use the submission tracker and research markets for a year. With my new student loan payments starting in February, I need to get more professional with my writing hobby and generate more writing/editing income than last year. This is both scary and motivating to me.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin

What risks will you take this year with your writing? How will this year be different than last year? Are you ready to blossom? Enjoy today, the first day of  the new year. Possibilities await the passionate writer who perseveres.


The Writing Nag

New Year’s Lentil Soup for A Prosperous 2011

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