Guest Post Marney K. Makridakis

The Awe of Attraction

The “Awe” of Attraction
by Marney K. Makridakis

You’ve probably heard
about “The Law of  Attraction”, popularized in “The Secret” movie and
book a few  years ago.  It generally refers to the  concept of focusing
on what you want, in order to get it.  In a teleclass I presented on October 14, called “The Awe of Attraction: Break the ‘Law’ and Find the Love”, in which we explored the exciting
nuances  of a slight modification: instead of focusing on what you want
(which automatically  puts you in a mindset of lacking something), focus
 on what you LOVE.

One thing that I have found difficult about simply,  generically
“focusing on what you want” is that it then becomes  all-too-easy to
lose sight of what we already have.  Focusing on what we want
automatically puts a  subconscious focus on what is missing, rather than
 what is already here,  available, and plentiful.  Creative,  regular
practices of gratitude are so helpful because they remind us what IS
working in our lives.  And, whether we  know it or not, love is
 a natural force that is working in all of us.  It’s pretty amazing when
 you think about it;  we all naturally have the capacity to love,
sometimes even in spite of our own  human cynicism. We don’t have to
study or learn how to do anything.  We just have to open our hearts.  My
 goal for this teleclass was to use creativity as the conduit
for sharing  the ways that we can harness and use that love and over
1,000 people signed up  to join and explore with me, so it was truly, a
love fest! 🙂

One of the lessons I presented in this class involved  using the
metaphor of the kaleidoscope to explain the power of love.  In a
kaleidoscope, when we focus on a single  object, the image magically
expands into a dazzling infinity of patterns and  colors, instantly
changing our capacity to SEE.   And when we love, our capacity to LIVE
suddenly expands in infinite  ways.

When my little son Kai looks through what he calls his “kaMYdasope”–  he
 gets so excited because the view is so new and surprising, and a bit
silly.  The loves of our lives can be surprising,  too.  We can find
them in places where we  might not expect them…and yes, they might
even be a bit silly.   (In the class, I shared a story of finding love
while  waiting in line at the pharmacy when their computer was jammed).

Thursday’s group did some amazing artsy archeological  digging
to find some of those hidden gems, and then we expressed them in an
ARTsignment™ art project, called a Ka-LOVE-ascope.   While
everyone was working on their  projects, I was reminded of something I
read once: that every person’s  heartbeat is slightly different (much
like our fingerprints are, although  obviously more subtle).  I realized
 that  as we were all gathered together on the phone, literally from all
 corners of  the world, all creating our own interpretation of this
ARTsignment™…I could  almost hear our hearts beating, in the most
beautiful symphony of love and  creation.  I can’t imagine a grander
work  of art than that…painted with the single color of love.

Marney K. Makridakis is the founder of
 and the inventor of the ARTbundance Philosophy, which uses ARTsignments™ to change lives through the power of creativity.   If you are 
intrigued by the idea of exploring a new vision for yourself in which
you apply the ARTbundance™ philosophy and ARTsignments™ to your own professional dreams and goals, 
you are invited to apply for the next ARTbundance™
 Certification Training (ACT), 
beginning in April 2011.

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