The Flowers of Early Spring

Snowdrop Flower, Plainfield, Vermont

“The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.”
Gertrude S. Waster

I know spring is two months away but with our mild winter it seems like it’s right around the corner… Because we were visiting the East coast, we missed the couple of snowstorms Colorado Springs had in December. I look at my photos from last January and it seems unreal that we missed out on so much snow this year. I see drought conditions ahead of us if it doesn’t change.

Today I am working on organizing my poetry, cleaning up the clutter to see if I have new work in me or if I need to work on revision. I think I have a chapbook in me this year, it feels like a good year to write one. I have a title and maybe already the poems. Although I haven’t written a poem in so long there is a little resistance to new work. This morning I spent a long time reading poetry I couldn’t sleep so from 2:30-4:00 I read and listened to the poems of Irish poet, Michael Hartnett.

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