And the dirt…

These days
whatever you have to say, leave
the roots on, let them

And the dirt

Just to make clear
where they come from

Charles Olsen

After being in a paperwork coma for the last few weeks, I emerge to see the first golden crocus in the garden and the sweet green starts of tulips…even though we’ve been gardening for the past 12 years it never ceases to amaze me when the garden comes back. This week I will be doing the first seed planting…sweet peas on March 17th. Sweet peas are traditionally sown on this day and my spring doesn’t seem the same if I forget or I procrastinate the planting.
I am so ready to get back in the writing habit, starting with this post. I really, really, really missed it.
During my hiatus from blogging I watched both seasons of Downton Abbey, (and now I’m officially addicted) spent many hours walking my two puppies all over the dog park, managed to get to the gym four days a week and sent in an article hopefully for publication this year! My house is cleaner and more organized and I’ve whiled away many a night on Pinterest and Words with Friends. And yes, I could have been writing during all of that down time but I wonder if I just needed a break? Now that March is year and the First Day of Spring is just one week away I feel ready to recommit to writing/blogging/the creative life. In April I’ll be hosting Eric Maisel’s blog tour…details to follow…
Today, reflect on these words from poet and essayist Charles Olson. What do they mean to you? Start a story, essay or poem with the words…And the dirt. Now get back to work!
The Writing Nag
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