Do you seek the successive autumns?

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.

George Eliot

It is October, and the last time I posted was in June. I’m always happy when the summer is over and my favorite months are ahead of me. Today was a perfect Colorado autumn day, a clear and sunny 62-degrees, the leaves are turning, and pumpkins and mums are appearing on neighbor’s porches. A good morning to get up early to look for vintage treasure at a neighborhood church basement sale, take a leisurely walk in the park with the dogs, and have an entire afternoon of nothing to do. The house is clean enough, the pantry and fridge are complete, and I’ve already decorated the house for the season.

Wednesday, I picked the last of the dahlias before the first freeze, so gardening is over for a while. Maybe that’s the only thing I don’t like about October in Colorado, the freeze comes early, and I have to say goodbye to the summer flowers before the month is over.

Today, write about how this October is different than last year. How will you celebrate the month? How does the autumn season inspire your writing? And if it doesn’t what is your season of creativity?

Now get back to work!


The Writing Nag

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