a “soft word” on the first day of spring

The crocus beckons like homemade liqueur—each one a glassful of sunlight. The crocus is a soft word in my ear Marion McCready’s poem Look to the Crocus. Today is the official first day of spring, but the crocus has been Continue reading a “soft word” on the first day of spring

the connection of language and food

Before I ever cooked professionally or wrote one word, I had a deep connection to language and food because of my first teacher, my nana. “A writing cook and a cooking writer must be bold at the desk as well Continue reading the connection of language and food

Submitting experimental writing

Years ago, I posted a link to Bernadette Mayer’s poem Very Strong February. I was first introduced to Mayer’s work at Goddard. My advisor suggested that I include Midwinter Day in my book list. At the time, I was struggling Continue reading Submitting experimental writing