a “soft word” on the first day of spring

The crocus beckons like homemade liqueur—each one a glassful of sunlight. The crocus is a soft word in my ear Marion McCready’s poem Look to the Crocus. Today is the official first day of spring, but the crocus has been Continue reading a “soft word” on the first day of spring

Six “not new ways” to ignite your creativity this year

What does it mean to live more creatively? That’s what I promised myself this year after two years of “checking out” to pursue a graduate certificate in IT Project Management and get my PMP certification. Success on both of those Continue reading Six “not new ways” to ignite your creativity this year

Special Delivery

Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude with good company.  Lord Byron It is 2012, spring/early summer and I’m writing a friend a letter about my life. “In the garden, irises, roses and columbine are blooming, the peonies seem Continue reading Special Delivery

Writing…you don’t have to get it right the first time

“The beautiful part of writing is that you don’t have to get it right the first time unlike, say, brain surgery.”— Robert Cormier (1925-2000) It’s been two years since I blogged regularly…I started ten years ago to build a daily Continue reading Writing…you don’t have to get it right the first time